When doing mathematical equations there is a rule that we must follow. A fancy term for this is mathematical hierarchy. This is a very important rule, if you don't follow it you can make some big time mistakes. One good thing about math rules (unlike English) there are no exceptions. Most good calculators will follow the rule of mathematical hierarchy. DO ALL MULTIPLICATION AND DIVISION IN THE ORDER GIVEN FIRST AND THEN DO ADDITIONS AND SUBTRACTIONS IN THE ORDER GIVEN! DO EXPRESSIONS IN PARENTHESIS FIRST WORKING FROM INSIDE OUT! Also for every opening parenthesis you need a closing parenthesis. EXAMPLE: (2+3(4x5)+(12÷4)÷3+2) do inside parenthesis first. 4 x 5 = 20 and 12 ÷ 4 = 3 (2+3(20)+(3)÷3+2) Next multiply 3 x 20 = 60 And then divide 3 ÷ 3 = 1 (2+60+1+2) Looking simpler now! 65 is the answer. Same Problem with (2+3((4x5)+(12÷4))÷3+2) Work innermost brackets an extra set of first 4 x 5 and 12 ÷ 4 parenthesis (2+3(20+3)÷3+2) Now we do another inner bracket 20 + 3 (2+3(23)÷3+2) Next do multiplication. 3 x 23 (2+69÷3+2) Then divide 69 ÷ 3 (2+23+2) 27 See how the answer changes with one extra set of brackets. It changes the priority of solving the problem. Multiplication next to a bracket can either read: 4 x (2+3) or 4(2+3)The sign can be left out. A fraction is nothing more than a division problem. 1/2 = 1 ÷ 2 = 2 1 = .5 these are all the same number. Break down the following problems: ((6 x 3)÷10)+2(4 ÷ 2) (((5 x 3 + 5)(12 ÷ 4 - 3))+8 - 2) 1. _________________________ 4. ___________________________ 2. _________________________ 5. ___________________________ 6. ___________________________ 3. Answer ______ 7. Answer ______ Note: You can enter these formulas exactly how they appear, parenthesis and all, with the calculator optionally purchased with this manual from DVC Planners.
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