DVC PLANNERS PRECISION SHEET METAL LAYOUT MANUAL #1 (FREE ONLINE VERSION) INTRODUCTION If you have been working in a sheet metal shop, plan to work in one, or just want to sharpen and improve your skills with sheet metal then this manual will help you to do that. The goal of this manual is to help you gain an understanding of precision sheet metal layout and show you how to do flat pattern development while becoming more efficient with math in the shop. Therefore the first part of this manual deals strictly with math that is related to sheet metal development. Geometry, Algebra and Trigonometry will all be used. Don’t let this scare you because once you have something to relate it to the math becomes easier. One way of becoming more efficient in math is proper use of the calculator. The calculator is not always used to its fullest capability in the shop in most cases. Normally it is used only as an adding machine. I have even seen people with calculators that are capable of trig functions go and look up trig tables in a book to complete a problem. People with calculators also go to fraction charts to convert to decimals when it is just a few key strokes away on their calculators. The calculator should be used as a production tool speeding up shop calculations. This manual was designed to be used with a scientific calculator with at least trigonometry functions on it. It should also have direct formula input (Follow mathematical hierarchy rules. see page: 2 )
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No part of this publication may be reproduced, or transmitted, or stored, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of SheetMetalWorkBook.com, Sixth Edition Reformatted for Internet, ©2012 SheetMetalWorkBook.com


I’ve been in the Metal Fabrication industry since 1973, predominantly in Precision Sheet Metal job shops. I’ve done my share of machining also. I wrote the printed version of this manual back in 1991and sold many, many copies of it. In early 2012 I decided to put the free version online and I have been slowly adding the chapters. Soon I will be offering the printed version again once I reformat it. If you want an email sent to you when a chapter is added please visit the “contact” page. I will only use your email address for updates to SheetMetalWorkbook.com and will never SPAM nor Sell your email, period! To help me keep this project going please Donate or Visit my sponsored ads. I am selling advertising spaces also. This website gets an average of 6300 page views per month for the last 8 months with only a 1% bounce rate. We have a very narrow targeted audience so if you have a product related to precision sheet metal fabrication try running an ad on www.SheetMetalWorkbook.com.
DVC Planners Sheet Metal Layout Manual #1

DVC Planners Sheet Metal Layout Manual #1


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